The book of James helps us understand our decision to follow God and connect our faith to obedience to God. A 12-week Bible study centered on scripture, gospel truth, and doctrine.
Ever try sharing the Gospel with a friend, a co-worker, or a family member and get stuck? How do you try to explain all the points of the Gospel (the truth) with others in love? As Jordan Scott tells the junior high group, you can't just know and believe all the facts of the Gospel and be a Christian. A biblical response is required to this question that we all need to consider and know for our own souls and for the sake of sharing the Gospel with others. This small book and easy read by Greg Gilbert called, "What Is the Gospel?" has helped me greatly in being able to articulate the Gospel clearly to others and our response to the Good News.
"What is the Mission of the Church?" clarifies the a church's vision to be grounded in the gospel and how to apply the Great Commision to the congregation.